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Do You Sell With Mini-Sites? Niche Website Templates

Do You Sell With Mini-Sites?

Do You Sell With Mini-Sites? New Mini-Site Templates To Improve Your Online Image, Gain More Trust And Rake In More Sales...

I am not much of a copywriter. I am designer and a programmer. So here's what this page is all about...

What I have is a new mini-site template that is different from what you normally see. It's designed to give you that professionalism look combined with a powerful corporate presence.

Like it or not, people are tired of the typical header-footer mini-site design.

I am tired of it.  

They don't trust it anymore. The minute they see you typical header, they'll be reaching for the litte "x" button on the top right of their browser.

They trust Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google...

And take a look at other websites that actually do sell something...,,,,

Even huge online marketing gurus are changing the way they sell products online. Just take a look at,,,

Is your mini-site anything like theirs?

That's why I created the Mighty Minisite template...

To give you that "dependable" look and gain the trust of your website visitors immediately.

And you know that only buy from websites they trust.

For more information Click here..

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